Get Cash Back When You Shop with the Paymi CashBack App

Paymi is a Cashback shopper marketing program that focuses on putting money back in consumers pockets when they make purchases. Simply continue spending with your linked credit and debit cards and receive cash back, eliminating the need for new cards, codes or coupons.

Get real cash back when you shop with our partner brands.

Join Paymi Now and start saving!

Join Paymi Now and start saving!

Paymi: The Easiest Cash Back You’ve Ever Earned easy as 1 – 2 -3 !

1. Sign Up
Connect your credit and debit cards to Paymi so we know when to give you cash back

2. Go Shopping 

Shop using any linked credit and debit card at our partners to earn cash back. 

3. Collect Your Cash
We’ll send your money to you through Interac e-Transfer whenever you want it.